March 17: The principal concern for any developing country is the future of its youth. The essential decision a person takes in his life is choosing a career. Putting an end to a career after a pandemic has thrown up a slew of new questions to consider and flipped the Indian job market from upside down.
If difficulties are encountered in finding a suitable employment alternative, it has risen to new heights. According to a report, approximately 12.2 crore Indians have lost their jobs, and nearly 1.2 lakh businesses have gone out of business due to the present pandemic. Many new employees, many of whom were very young, have already lost their jobs, and roughly 60,000 of the 12.2 crores were youngsters.
Nishant Kumar, a social media expert and Digital Marketer, says, “When it comes to youth employment, digital marketing has emerged as the most viable alternative for young students. Because we are now in the twenty-first century, traditional marketing tactics and strategies have mostly become obsolete, and Digital Marketing Media is the most popular means of communication for organisations. These are the primary reasons digital marketing is rapidly becoming a valuable and reliable employment option for youngsters in India.”
Continuing further, he states, “After the Covid-19 pandemic swept the globe, the reach of digital marketing expanded dramatically in 2020 and 2021. Furthermore, India has the world’s second-largest number of internet users, with an estimated 666 million by 2023. Hence, this is the time to prepare our youth with the digital skillset to fight ever-rising unemployment.”
We enter a new era of the digital corporate sector and digital workplace. Technology and necessity have combined to create a new field where career planning is more delicate and successful. People are becoming more interested in the internet than in past years, indicating that they are becoming more aware of the importance of digital marketing and are interested in pursuing a profession or gaining knowledge in this industry.